Wednesday, April 15, 2009


To tie into the theme for this week, sports, I am going to talk about clubs, specifically sports clubs. This afternoon I attended a meeting of the Kansai Gaidai Archery club. Sadly I left my phone in my room charging, so I was unable to get any photos of the event. I'll try to get more and post them later, but for now you must deal with drive-by photos of the baseball club/team. One thing that I was repeatedly told by people who had already studied abroad was how seriously the Japanese take their clubs. I kind of dismissed it until we watched the movie High School Baseball in class. In the movie baseball is shown to be THE most important thing in the students lives. And at the archery club at the end of practice the members got together and stretched, then talked about the practice going so far as to detail the degrees that they were off when shooting. It was a little overwhelming for a newcomer.

1 comment:

  1. Why not focus on the baseball club (if that is what you have pictures of)? You really don't give any information about the archery club...
